
Showing posts from May, 2020

How to cook Basmati rice

COOKING TIPS FOR BASMATI RICE WHAT IS BASMATI RICE Basmati is a fragrant, nutty-tasting long grain rice grown in the Himalayas and Pakistan. “Bas” in Hindi language means “aroma” and “mati” means “full of,” hence the word Basmati or “full of aroma.”      Basmati rice is a thin, long-grain rice that is commonly used in the cuisines of the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Meaning “fragrant,” basmati rice has a subtle nutty flavour. India generates most of the world’s production of Basmati rice. Most basmati rice that is imported to Iran, Yemen, Dubai, UAE, U.S. has been aged for at least 6 months to intensify its nutty aroma. Besides its flavour, the grains can become incredibly long once they’re cooked, about 3/4-inches in length.  To cook Basmati rice maintaining its shape and fragrance without making the rice sticky, it needs special techniques. Merchentus India has included Basmati rice as one of th...

Best Quality Aromatic Rice

Aromatic rice in India for Export by Merchentus India: Aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.- Asian Rice) is considered as the best quality premium rice. The varieties are preferred by consumers because of its preference criteria such as shape, colour, distinctive aroma and flavor. The price of aromatic rice is higher than ordinary rice due to its special needed growth condition, for instance, specific climate and soil. Aromatic rice provides the most benefits of health and  nutrition . These are considered healthier as they possess more vitamins and  fiber  in their outer bran layers. Aromatic rice constitutes a small but special group of rice and are considered the best in terms of quality and aroma. The aroma is one of the most significant quality traits of rice, and variety with aroma has a higher price in the market. India is a treasure trove of varieties scented rice from e...